I love bamboo

This a drop-in replacement for the stock Roblox bootstrapper, working more or less how you'd expect it to, while providing additional useful features. This does not touch or modify the game client itself, it's just a launcher! So don't worry, there's practically no risk of being banned for using this.
Please review the comment for installation and to get the latest available builds, the one listed on the download may be outdated.
• Persistent file modifications, includes re-adding the old death sound!
• Support for easy and simple FastFlag editing, no need to mess around with a JSON file.
• Painless and seamless support for Discord Rich Presence - no auth cookie needed!
• A customizable launcher look
• Lets you see what region your current server is located in
• Lets you have multiple Roblox game instances open simultaneously
• All the available features are browsable through the Bloxstrap menu.

Plitch Trainer is a cheat supplier/provider for many games with multiple mods. This has a premium version alongside a free version.
• Add Player Experience
• Sub Player Exp
• Heal Player
• Restore Food
• Set gravity
• Set work speed
• Increase movement speed
• Decrease Movement Speed
The download provided may be outdated - it's always best to download directly from their website: https://www.plitch.com/en/games/palworld-169736414395629568

This mod increases the maximum durability of weapons, tools, and armour.
Users on the latest version (currently pending approval from CurseForge)
If you're on the latest version - press H to update the durability for tools, weapons, and armour
Users on the previous version
• Press H to update the durability for tools
• Press J to update the durability for weapons
• Press K to update thedurabilityfor armour
• You will need to press the hotkeys after loading in to your save, and you may need to press the hotkeys any time a new weapon, tool, or armour is obtained (i.e looted, crafted etc) to re-apply the change to the new items. You will also need to press the hotkeys after loading in to your save to re-apply the change any time the game is restarted.
This mod utilises UE4SS xinput and has only been tested on the single player Steam version of Palworld.

This mod increases the amount of bases you can have, as well as the amount of worker pals you can have.
There are a few different variants to pick from:
• 100 bases and 40 worker pals from base level 1
• 100 bases and 100 worker pals from base level 1.
• 1 base and 1 worker pal at base level 1, increasing by 1 base and 1 pal per base level
• 1 base and 2 worker pals at base level 1, increasing by 1 base and 2 pals per base level
• 1 base and 5 worker pals at base level 1, increasing by 1 base and 5 pals per base level
• 1 base and 10 worker pals at base level 1, increasing by 1 base and 10 pals per base level
Make sure to read the installation steps - you'll need to do some additional work to exceed the 20 pal cap.
• Increase world settings limits: https://www.nexusmods.com/palworld/mods/107

• Customises your cross-hair sprite
Installation / How to Setup
• Download the zip file containing all crosshair mod versions.
• Unpack the zip file, and select your preferred crosshair's .pak file
• Copy your selected pak file into the Game Content/Paks folder (Palworld\Pal\Content\Paks)
Known Issues:
• You can only use ONE version of the mod at a time.. obviously.
• Make sure the unused crosshair pak files arent in your games "Paks" directory (or subdirectory) - or they will override one another.
• This mod uses pak chunk 72 (regardless of version used) and may be incompatible with other mods that do so.

This mod increases the sprint speed of mounts.
Installation - Singleplayer
- Steam
- Download the zip and extract it in Palworld\Pal\Content\Paks
Installation - Multiplayer
- You will need to follow the steps at https://forums.nexusmods.com/topic/13466573-how-to-install-and-run-mods-lua-pak-on-a-steam-client-and-dedicated-server-as-well-as-injectedit-current-characters-local-singlecoop-dedicated/ to get mods working on a dedicated server. You still need to do the Singleplayer step too.
- The mod needs to be installed on both the server and the client for it to work.
- This mod will be incompatible with any other pak mod that modifies the same datatable

This is a Blox Fruit Script, it's by far the best around. It has the best auto farmer, in just two hours on a fresh account you can be level 250. It comes with a lot of features, such as level farm, auto item quest, stats and many other utilities.

This versatile script hub supports three distinct games, with many features tailored to every game and constant updates:
• Silent Aim
• Auto Pickup Weapon
• Player ESP
• No Recoil
• No Spread
• Infinite Ammo
Zombie Uprising:
• Silent Aim for Zombies
• Auto Pickup Power Ups
• Zombie and Player ESP
• No Recoil
• No Spread
• Increase Fire Rate
• Bypass Armory Point Check
Arcane Odyssey:
• No Shadows
• Clear Underwater Effect
• Full Bright
• Dupe Galleons
• Various ESP options (Player, Chest, Boat, Shark)
• Teleportation features
• God Mode (Disable Mob Damage)
• Auto Farming options
• Unlock Animation Packs
• Player Walkspeed Modifier
And more.

Are you ready to dominate the Total Roblox Drama game like a pro? Look no further! Discover a collection of game-changing cheat features that will elevate your gameplay to the next level. Whether you're seeking to teleport, expose votes, or automate tedious tasks, we've got you covered.
Expose Votes
Notify Votes
Print Votes
Hide Players
Force Move
Walk on Water
Remove Barriers
Change Confession
Monster Godmode
Auto Answer Math Trivia, Auto Win Obbys, Auto Get Trophy, Auto Collect Alien Egg, Auto Collect Guitars, Auto Collect Pre-Historic Coins, Auto Collect Coins
Dominate the game like never before – download these cheats and seize victory today!

Unlock the full potential of your Tycoon game with our exclusive script. Featuring automatic completion, auto raid, and auto farm capabilities, our script easily eliminates all enemy soldiers from your base. Compatible with both desktop and mobile devices.
Game Link: https://www.roblox.com/games/7180042682/Grenadier-Military-Tycoon

Kya-ware is a script hub for The Survival Game on Roblox, it provides maybe features such as auto farming, kill aura, teleports, walkspeed, infinite stamina and much more. The GUI may cause some lag if you turn on too much aura, this may be fixed in the future.

This is one of the best scripts for The Survival Game on Roblox, here is a list of the features:
• Killaura
• Circle Target
• Highlight Target
• Target Players
• Target Animals
• Speed
• Minimal Anticheating
• Auto Eat
• Eat Raw Food
• Goal Hunger [0 - 1300]
• Infinite Stamina
• Fast Pickup
• Auto Mine
• Highlight Target
• Resource Toggles

Vape Plugin is an overpowered GUI with a boatload of features, anything from legit to rage hacking for Bed Wars on Roblox. You have things like projectile aimbot, safe walk, flight, speed, kill aura, auto clicker and so many features, it's packed! This has to be one of the best GUI's for this game, the GUI has really good UIX too.
There are too many features to list but here are a few
• AimAssist
• AutoClicker
• Reach
• Velocity
• Sprint
• Killaura
• Scaffold
• Blink
• Fly
• HitBoxes
• LongJump
• NoFall
• Search
• NameTags

This hub bypasses the Deepwoken anticheat and offers you a few features that are very useful, below is a list of all the features. Please be aware that Deepwoken has a tight anti-cheat so this holds the potential to get you banned.
- AC Bypass:
- No Fall Damage: You will not take fall damage no matter how high you fall.
- No Acid:
- No Clip:
- Speed Hack:
- Jump Hack:
- Instant Respawn:
- Mobs ESP:
- Ingredients ESP:
- Infinite Zoom:
- Streamer Mode:
- Knocked Ownership:

Ice hub Supports the following games: Brookhaven RP, RedCliff, Blox Fruit, Adopt me, Berry Avenue RP. This hub is packed with rich features such as "FE" scripts, that's right actual FE scripts such as "kick all". The script has many features for RP games and a lot of them are FE which is just the icing on top, pun intended.
Overall this HUB works as intended and does not have many bugs.

Pluto is a DaHood specialised script, it provides a lot of features and some overpowered ones e.g. Server Crasher. It has target features such as teleportation to a person, bagging them, stealing their audio, viewing them alongside auto farmers and much more.
There are too many features to list for this GUI, it practically has everything you need.

Overpowered Kill aura with reach for Combat warriors. The script is very over powered as you can just run around and kill all.

Alucard is a big script hub with many features, it has features such as but not limited to: Player ESP, Fruit ESP, Auto Farmers, Local Property alternations, No cooldown and infinite stamina, unlimited fruits, auto events and much more. This hub is quite optimised and has a good layout, personally I enjoyed using it as it was easy and everything worked.
There is a slight bug when dying that certain options do not persist.

Unfair hub is a script loader, it compiles a bunch of scripts for multiple games and puts it all into one hub, it allows you to choose from the best script for a multitude of games.
Here are a list of supported games:
Pet Simulator X, Arsenal
No-Scope Arcade
Phantom Forces
Custom Duels
Giant Simulator
Da Hood
Anime Fighting Simulator
Slap Battles
BIG Paintball
Zombie Attack
Adopt Me
Goal Kick Simulator
Combat Warriors
starving artists
Mining Simulator 2
Animal Simulator
Fruit Juice Tycoon: Refreshed
Sword Simulator
Grand Piece Online
The Wild West
Bee Swarm Simualtor
Your Bizaree Adventure
SharkBite 2
Base Battles
Project Slayers
Race Clicker
Rainbow Friends
Aimblox BETA
Slime Tower Tycoon
Infectious Smile
Rat Washing Tycoon
Energy Assault
Idle Heroes Simulator
Anime Evolution Simulator
One Fruit Simulator
Busy Business

This script hub has support for over 10 games, more to come. It has overpowered features for popular games such as Bloxfruits and Shindo Life. It comes with autofarmers, teleports, local property changes and much more.
Please be advised that some of them require a "key" that you must gain by going through a few ads, do not download anything from these pages.
Supported Games :
〉 Shindo Life [Keyless]
〉 Mining Clicker Simulator [Keyless]
〉 Rebirth Champions X [Keyless]
〉 Pet Lifting Simulator [Keyless]
〉 One Fruit Simulator [Keyless]
〉 Timber Champions [Keyless]
〉 Anime Evolution Simulator
〉Sword Fighters Simulator
〉 +1 Speed Every Second
〉 +1 Jump Every Second
〉 Anime Clicker Fight
〉 Mine Racer
〉 Blox Fruits
〉 Fly Race

Jailbreak auto farmer script, it automatically robs cargo train, passenger train, museum, donut, cargo plane, power plant, gas station. This is one of the best auto farmer scripts for Roblox jailbreak as it allows you to practically rob everything and it has a decent teleport which speeds things up a lot.
You can simply run this script once and let it do it's own thing the entire night so you can become a millionaire!
There is a paid version of this script which allows you to gain even more with your auto rob increasing your hourly payout to 250,000! If you wish to purchase this you can via their Discord: https://discord.gg/dCRcrGNt

This is a chest auto farmer to get unlimited money in Blox Fruits. To receive the best experience and most amount of money it is recommended that the script goes into your auto execute folder as it does server hop to constantly farm money. The Blox Fruits Chest Farmer will farm every chest on the server and then simply hop onto another one and repeat the process, gaining you unlimited money!

Adopt me Shnigel Utils provides a various amount of utilities for adopt me, whilst it's nothing game breaking it does help a lot with the game.
Pet Manager which allows you to equip pets and auto farm pets.
Cash Manager grants you the ability to purchase multiple items from the store without being at the store. You can teleport to a houses, players and different maps. You are also granted the ability to alter your local player properties such as walkspeed and jumppower.
This GUI also allows you to automatically collect gingerbread for the event!
Plenty of little features that will make your Adopt Me life easier.

Strawhook is the best free Phantom Forces script/hack, it comes with many features including legitbot and ragebot. It provides great ESP alongside very overpowered aimbot with many configurations. This works with Synapse X and all UNC supported softwares.
Summarised Features:
• Legit Bot
• Rage Bot
• Visuals
• Unlock Skins
• Misc
• Players
• GUI settings

This is by far the best GUI for Counter Blox Modded, it has so many overpowered features for the game such as killaura, kill all and many more.
[+] Silent Aimbot
[+] Highlight ESP
[+] Kill All
[+] Anti-Aim
[+] Change Team
[+] Instantly Defuse Bomb
[+] Infinite Ammo
[+] Spinbot
[+] Ear-Rape Everyone
[+] Annoy Everyone (Chat,NO CD)
[+] Troll Section
[+] Give Other Players Hacks
[+] Added Wall Check Silent Aim
[+] Moved Old Silent Aim to RAGE tab
[+] Optimized Script Performance (Re-Wrote most code)
[+] Free Exploit Support
[+] Money Farm
[+] FOV changer
[+] Third Person
[+] Ammo Modifier

Automatic farming script for anime adventures, the script requires some configuration before running so please ensure you read the set of instructions in the file.

Petsi X is a Pet Simulator 2 GUI with a multitude of functions, it mainly prioritizes automatic farming in the game but it has a bunch of other features too, these include:
• Auto Farm
• Auto Egg opener
• Auto Collect Orbs
• Auto Collect Diamonds
• Rank Rewards
• Walk Speed & Jump

Straw hub provides automatic farming for bags, push-ups, sit-ups, bench-press and dumbbells. It also comes with a few extra features such as no stun, hide name and accessories.

Sword Simulator script that provides teleport(s) around the map, the main aspect of the script is the farming section. Whether you wish to farm mobs or eggs, this GUI can do that automatically for you!
It provides a lot of location teleports alongside a few other features such as:
• Auto Claim Rewards
• Auto Egg Toggle
• Auto Hatch
• Auto Claim Achievements
• Auto Collect Index Rewards
This is currently one of the best GUI's for the game and up to date.

Bounty esp for GPO, allows you to see everyone's bounty around the map, there isn't much more to this script except the ESP.

Da hood GUI with multiple features, currently working and undetected.
Features include:
- Aimlock (Customisable)
- Silent Aim (Customisable)
- Fly
- Speed
- Reach
- Teleports
- Aimbot
- Anti stomp/flash/bag/grab

Undetectable and configurable silent aimbot for Rush point.
getgenv().Enabled - Sets the state of the script (boolean) (default = false)
getgenv().FOV - Sets the size of the Silent Aim FOV (number) (default = 100)
getgenv().Priority - Sets the priority or hit part (string and table) (accepts any R15 part name (i.e. Head, UpperTorso, etc.) or Random to randomize the hit part each time) (default = 'Head')
getgenv().HitPercentage - Sets the percentage of hits that will be redirected (number) (accepts 1-100) (default = 100)
getgenv().ShowFOV- Sets the visibility of the Silent Aim FOV (boolean) (default = true)
Important Things to Know:
The implementation of the shotgun in Rush Point is scuffed. The silent aim only redirects one pellet out of all. I suggest not using any shotgun when the script is enabled.
Penetrable walls may not be penetrable in some instances if the script is enabled.

An undetected and very stable Roblox exploit. Atlas Internal receives frequent and fast updates.
Atlas Internal comes with an ability to unload the cheat.
Atlas Internal is mainly an ESP and aimbot but comes with many other useful features. Some examples are: Triggerbot, Spectate

Automatically farms balls and rebirth on Speed simulator
Game link: https://www.roblox.com/games/7047488135/Speed-Simulator

LiquidBounce is a so-called hacked client for the game Minecraft. Using such a client gives you significant advantages over other players. Unlike most alternatives, LiquidBounce is completely free, open source and compatible with Forge.

Fruit finder allows you to find any fruit you wish on Blox Fruits within no time, you choose the fruit you wish to get and it will start server hopping, once it finds the fruit it will notify you on Discord, on top of that it has auto eat so you will never die!

LiquidBounce is a so-called hacked client for the game Minecraft. Using such a client gives you significant advantages over other players. Unlike most alternatives, LiquidBounce is completely free, open source and compatible with Forge.

Roblox Counter Blox hack with many features such as bunny hop, no recoil, no spread, rapid fire, infinite ammo, cash and many more exploits.

Ro-Wizard GUI with multiple functions that grants the ability to farm XP and lootables alongside getting every single skill in the game!

Beachwave is a undetected universal aimbot alongside ESP with multifunctional choices for Phantom Forces such as flight and auto knife!

Jaix V2.1 multi tool provides a multitude of features, from account checkers to game bots, here a list of what the free version Jaix provides:
Duplicate Cookie/Combo Remover, Mass, Follow Bot, Mass Unfollow Bot, Robux Checker, Cookie Checker, Premium Checker, Favorite Bot, Clothing Sale Notifier, Credit Checker, Group Checker/Scraper, Age Checker, Payout Bot, User:Pass:Cookie to Cookie converter, Visit Bot, Like Bot, Verified Cookie Checker, Cookie Killer/Invalidator, Robux Transfer Bot, Mass Status Changer, Cashout Bot, Mass Dislike Bot, Proxy Checker, Mass Friend Request Bot, Rap Scraper/Checker, Group Payout Detector.

Cry is the first free Roblox trading bot, the bot scans multiple items and automatically gets you the best value with trades to make you a profit!
Cookie Editor Extension: http://bit.ly/cheatgg-cookie-editor

Kill all the players in the lobby on arsenal with the knife instantly, this hack is very overpowered and can easily destroy an entire lobby!
You must press "E" after executing to kill everyone.

Universal invisible or lag switch script that works on every game and toggle keybinding for the script is "X", you will appear as if you are standing still on other people's screens!

Roblox World // Zero GUI/HUB, provides many overpowered features such as Kill Aura, Godmode, Kill Aura Has Inf Range Now & More, this is not supported on free exploits.

Unlock ballistics tracker for all of the Phantom Forces guns even if they do not support the ballistics tracker you will still be able to use it.
Exploit Requirements: getgc, setupvalue, getinfo, islclosure

Sigma 5.0 is one of the best free hacked clients for Minecraft of which is not only compatible with all of the latest Minecraft versions but is also compatible with macOS, Linux, and Windows!
Instructions: Simply download the files and extract them in the Minecraft version folder, then simply select the version in your Minecraft launcher.

Multifunctional script for Project One Piece with over 20 features!
Feature list:
- Anti AFK (already have when you execute the script).
[+] Main Tab:
- Anti Mod (Kick you when Owner, Devs, Staffs joined your server).
- Noclip (Must enable it before use AutoFarm, Teleport).
- Water Damage (Remove water's damage).
- TP Fruit
- TP Chest
[+] Mob Farm Tab:
- Auto Farm (Only Styles and Swords).
+ Put ur weapon in Weapon.
+ Select a mob u want to farm.
+ Select farm mode u want (Above if u use Sword)
+ Set distance:
- Distance 5 for Styles.
- Distance 7 - 9 for Swords.
- Auto Buso
- Auto Skill (only Styles and Swords, since DF's remote is broken when get fired by use script)
[+] Boss Farm Tab:
- Boss Auto Farm (Auto farm bosses).
+ Settings
[+] Local Player Tab:
- TP Islands.
- TP NPCs.
- TP Player.
- Auto Stat.
- Auto Buy Drink

Undetectable remote spy that will output all remote events alongside the arguments between the client and the server into the console.

Sublime Text is a proprietary cross-platform source code editor with a Python application programming interface.

Visual Studio is an integrated development environment, used to develop computer programs & apps, development made easy.

Everything is a desktop search utility for Windows that can rapidly find files and folders by name throughout all your hard drives.

WinRAR is a very powerful archive manager that helps someone to compress, encrypt and back up files with one utility. The trial is a permanent trial and does not require you to purchase the product.

Notepad++ is a simple IDE for Windows that supports a wide selection of programming languages and many features to enhance your coding experience.

Unpatchable & Undetectable Infinite Jump for any game allowing you to fly around for as long as you want!

This is a server-sided script that allows you to go invisible by exploiting the seats with welds, this works really good on games such as Phantom Forces.

MheeHub is mostly known for it's Shindo Life Hub of which provides a variety of client changes & farmers, but MheeHub provides scripts for a lot more games such as King Piece, Dragon Blox Ultimate, Blood Samurai 2 and more!

Darkhub provides a variety of functions for multiple games such as Bad Business, Jailbreak, Madcity and many more to come with it's continuous growth!

Automatically grab all of the fruits on the map on King Piece, the script is very fast and can help you collect a lot of fruits whilst server hopping.

Unlock all the skins on Phantom Forces locally, your skins will not save across servers but you can always re-execute the script and choose your favorite skins!

Helios library provides a very basic ESP yet efficient, that's is just the base of this script, this script allows you to the Helios library to create and add your own ESP's!

Multi Roblox is a software that grants you permission to run multiple Roblox instances/games on different Roblox accounts at the same time.

DLL injection is a technique used for running code within the address space of another process by forcing it to load a dynamic-link library