This Script is for the new ragdoll engine game after the old one got deleted a while ago!
This is the only script apart from cyptonic hub that supports this game and features way better features!
Fling Script also added (:

PipeLocator Is a tool that can find Pipes.
This is Useful for exploits that has a Custom DLL Injection , Witch requires the pipe name of the dll.
Open PipeLocator , and press "Log Newly created" then inject the dll to find the pipe's name.

Put this script in your auto execute folder to prevent screenshots being sent when reporting someone.

Very Over Powered Ragdoll Engine Script Features Stuff Like Headless Everyone , Trigger Mines , Free Fling Push, No Ragdoll , Kill Server And more!

Show Impostor , End Vote Unlock Skins and Hats , Select Impostor , Vistual task Animation
and more !
To toggle Interanl menu press home , to toggle controller press insert.

For Supported Games >> https://pastebin.com/GCZHCqrj
This Hub currently have 2 games , Its very op in strucid , Features Wall bang silent aim bypass anti cheat and more!

Introducing bots to the among us community! You can use this software/tool to add bots in any among us lobby.

Sona is a Byte Code conversion Exploit that is Fully Internal.
It Has stuff like Save Instance , Custom Stream Sniper, Remote Spy , Dark dex ,Owl hub , Fathom Hub And More!
Join in a roblox game and Press Inject.exe , and after its injected press Insert to open and close the exploit. If it tells you to update , open Updater.exe
If You want the Function List of sona then go to this link : https://pastebin.com/raw/9sHpmdr4

Very Good auto rob script to use for jailbreak and earn money
note: there is some small bugs so be aware

Great Hub , Has good features in Ninja Legends 2
Auto Swing , Auto Sell , Auto Collect Coins/Shards/rings , Auto Boss, Auto KOTH , Auto Good / Bad Karma ,Infinite Jumps and more!
All Supported Games : https://raw.githubusercontent.com/quentin452/CATIX-HUB/master/!GAME%20LINK

A really good AutoFarm script for MadCity that can get you a ton of money fast , it also server hops.

Features reanimate with cool animations, bunch of scripts , great ui , usefull dev tools and more!
You can Join there discord if you want too: https://discord.gg/tRwShBzT9x

This is a very good script, you can search for scripts on this hub , and even save youre own scripts on it! This also has admin witch is in beta.
Also has a graphics editor.

Very Nice script for Tower of Misery
Instant Win , God mode , Infinite Jump , Remove Kill Parts + (Usefull Options)

Great hub , has some games , Very op for school tycoon and some others
Adopt me
Lift Legends Simulator
Vehicle Tycoon
School Tycoon
Loot BattleGround

Has alot of features! Can Decompile a remote , Vil finder and more! Copy Remotes Easly! Dowload Now !

First Script is for autofarming! Execute The script and it will auto kill the Giant!
Second Script Is a GUI that can give Guns and give money!

One of the best Script for Clicker Madness!
Feature List:
Auto Click
Auto Beast Mode
Auto Hill
Tp all pickups
Auto boss
Hide popups
All Normal & Super Upgrades
Auto Eggs
Auto Rebirths
Auto Super Rebirths
Capture All Flags
All Island Teleports

Free Among us Dowload + all the skins Pets and hats are unlocked as well
Click on Among.Us.v2020.12.5s > Among.Us.v2020.12.5s Among Us.exe